Our services

About Us

Since its foundation in 2013, our company provides services for insulation area its professional staff, latest technology equipment and its principle of uncompromised quality.

Why us ?

We provide solutions to the insulation needs of our customers in waterproofing with Polyurea Systems which is a proven American technology its field and in the field of heat insulation with Polyurethane spray systems which have an important place in today's heat insulation with its high thermal insulation values and durable structure. In 2014, it became the distributor of Polycoat Usa, Flychem and Atg Machine Turkey. Our firm, which provides uninterrupted service to its customers with its strong machinery base, continues to produce innovative solutions both domestically and abroad in the insulation sector.

For more information
Call us: 0553 252 96 56

We give guarantee for on time delivery and reasonable prices. After the on-site exploration, we can make any modifications according to your desired budget with the quality and materials you want.

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